Results for 'Cynthia S. Guadalupe González'

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  1.  7
    Entrevista a Walter D. Mignolo: La opción decolonial introduce la geopolítica del conocer, del sentir y del querer.Maximiliano A. Garbarino, Emilio Binaghi, Paula Giacobone, Cynthia S. Guadalupe González, Gabriel Rouede & Nicolás E. Saltapé - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 54 (1):e100.
    En esta primera parte de la entrevista, Mignolo ubica las coordenadas intelectuales en las que surge su primera obra (1995) junto con la necesidad del desarrollo del concepto de semiosis colonial, y la recepción de sus tesis en aquel momento. Describe también las posibilidades (o imposibilidades) de diálogo de la perspectiva decolonial con otras como la posmoderna y la poscolonial, refiriéndose a las diferentes inscripciones teóricas debidas, fundamentalmente, a diferencias geopolíticas. Por ello, plantea una alternativa pluri-versal al universalismo moderno occidental, (...)
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    Spinoza and the Grammar of the Hebrew Language.Guadalupe González Diéguez - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 483–491.
    The Compendium of Grammar of the Hebrew Language (CGH) is arguably Spinoza's least known work. The CGH appears as an annex at the very end of the first volume, and with an independent pagination from the rest of the volume. Spinoza expresses twice in CGH the need to write a grammar of the Hebrew language, and not of the language of Scripture, as presumably all earlier grammarians of Hebrew had done. According to Jelles, the CGH comprised two parts: one on (...)
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    Attention and Working Memory Biases to Black and Asian Faces During Intergroup Contexts.Guadalupe D. S. Gonzalez & David M. Schnyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Fostering creative selling through ethics. An emotion‐based approach.Belén Bande, Sandra Castro-González, Pilar Fernández-Ferrín & Guadalupe Vila-Vázquez - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):211-225.
    Research on salesperson creativity remains as one of the most under-researched topics in the sales literature despite the evidence that encouraging creativity in the sales domain is a source of competitive advantage. This paper aims to fill this research gap by exploring the influence of perceived ethical climate on salesperson creative performance, paying special attention to the role that emotions play in this process. Data provided by 176 supervisor–salesperson dyads confirm that the trust/responsibility dimension of an ethical climate is positively (...)
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    De Lucchese, Filippo:" Conflict, Power, and Multitude in Machiavelli and Spinoza. Tumult and Indignation".Guadalupe González - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:403-407.
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    Entrevista con Remo Bodei.Guadalupe González, Araceli Fernández & Paz Vaello - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 33:391-398.
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  7. La recuperación del sueto escepticismo, autoconocimiento y escritura en S. Cavell.Guadalupe Reinoso - 2014 - In Pedro Karczmarczyk, El sujeto en cuestión. Abordajes contemporáneos. [Argentina]: Edulp.
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    La escritura escéptica como clave de lectura: los prólogos de Wittgenstein.Guadalupe Reinoso - 2014 - Tópicos 27:41-46.
    La preocupación por los modos de producción del discurso filosófico como inseparable de la práctica filosófica ha sido un rasgo distintivo del período helenístico, y desde nuestra perspectiva, adopta un rasgo novedoso en el escepticismo antiguo. El pirronismo incluye en su propuesta el tratamiento crítico sobre la tendencia aseverativa propia del lenguaje como fuente productora de dogmatismos. De esta manera, la terapéutica escéptica debe operar también sobre las propias expresiones y los tipos de escritura que adopta el pirrónico. Wittgenstein parece (...)
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  9. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.) - 2010 - SUNY Press.
    A range of themes—race and gender, sexuality, otherness, sisterhood, and agency—run throughout this collection, and the chapters constitute a collective discourse at the intersection of Black feminist thought and continental philosophy, converging on a similar set of questions and concerns. These convergences are not random or forced, but are in many ways natural and necessary: the same issues of agency, identity, alienation, and power inevitably are addressed by both camps. Never before has a group of scholars worked together to examine (...)
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    Albert Memmi and Audre Lorde: Gender, Race, and the Rhetorical Uses of Anger.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):87-100.
    Feminists, like members of other oppressed groups, are likely to embrace many aspects of Albert Memmi’s profound analysis of domination and oppression. Even though feminists can find common cause with Memmi in many respects, nevertheless they are likely to find themselves at odds with what Memmi says and does not say about women.  .
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    Neither Theory nor Science Metaphilosophical Remarks on Philosophical Elucidations.Guadalupe Reinoso - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (63).
    This article examines Wittgenstein’s philosophical reflection on philosophy: its method, its scope, and its relationship with other knowledge as central elements of the philosophical proposal the author developed in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Therefore, my proposal is to rehearse a metaphilosophical reading of Wittgenstein’s remarks about philosophy in TLP focusing, on the one hand, on his reflections on philosophy as an activity and not as a theory; on the other hand, on his categorical differentiation established between philosophical elucidations and scientific explanations. This (...)
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  12. Pragmatism and the Importance of Interdisciplinary Teams in Investigating Personality Changes Following DBS.Cynthia S. Kubu, Paul J. Ford, Joshua A. Wilt, Amanda R. Merner, Michelle Montpetite, Jaclyn Zeigler & Eric Racine - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (1):95-105.
    Gilbert and colleagues point out the discrepancy between the limited empirical data illustrating changes in personality following implantation of deep brain stimulating electrodes and the vast number of conceptual neuroethics papers implying that these changes are widespread, deleterious, and clinically significant. Their findings are reminiscent of C. P. Snow’s essay on the divide between the two cultures of the humanities and the sciences. This division in the literature raises significant ethical concerns surrounding unjustified fear of personality changes in the context (...)
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  13.  37
    El estatus epistémico de Los experimentos mentales en ciencias fácticas.Bruno Borge & Guadalupe Mettini - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (140):341-364.
    RESUMEN Un experimento mental en ciencias fácticas consiste en la representación de un escenario imaginario. A partir de la presentación de condiciones iniciales y la postulación de una situación hipotética o contrafáctica, se solicita al lector que realice mentalmente alguna operación, manipule ciertas variables o ponga en funcionamiento algún aparato o instrumento. En virtud de este ejercicio sería posible, en principio, obtener nuevo conocimiento acerca de algún aspecto del mundo natural. El debate acerca de las funciones de los experimentos mentales (...)
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    Regulation of Emotions to Optimize Classical Music Performance: A Quasi-Experimental Study of a Cellist-Researcher.Guadalupe López-Íñiguez & Gary E. McPherson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:627601.
    The situational context within which an activity takes place, as well as the personality characteristics of individuals shape the types of strategies people choose in order to regulate their emotions, especially when confronted with challenging or undesirable situations. Taking self-regulation as the framework to study emotions in relation to learning and performing chamber music canon repertoire, this quasi-experimental and intra-individual study focused on the self-rated emotional states of a professional classical cellist during long-term sustained practice across 100-weeks. This helped to (...)
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  15.  22
    La política visual y editorial de la revista Diáspora(s) a través de sus cubiertas y manifiestos.Guadalupe Silva - 2018 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 22:11-28.
    AEl artículo analiza la revista Diáspora(s) (La Habana, 1997-2002) desde el punto de vista de su programa estético y político. Poniendo énfasis en el aspecto más concretamente material de la publicación (su forma de realización, distribución y circulación), propone una lectura del mensaje estético implícito en decisiones editoriales tales como el uso de los términos “proyecto”, “documentos” o “vanguardia”. El objetivo es mostrar, tanto a partir del análisis conceptual como del diseño y las cubiertas, la coherencia de la política visual (...)
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    Presentación del Dossier: Pluriversalidad de la crítica al pensamiento occidental moderno. Temas, corrientes, autorías, obras.José Guadalupe Gandarilla S. - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21091.
    Presentación del Dossier: Pluriversalidad de la crítica al pensamiento occidental moderno. Temas, corrientes, autorías, obras.
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    Ethics in the Clinical Application of Neural Implants.Cynthia S. Kubu & Paul J. Ford - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (3):317-321.
    Once a neural implant has shown some efficacy during initial research trials, it begins to enter the world of clinical application. This culminates when the implant becomes approved for a particular indication. However, the ethical challenges continue as the technology is adopted as a standard of practice. Patient eligibility criteria, as documented by inclusion and exclusion criteria with any new treatment, are not always clearly quantified and defined. These vagaries can result in considerable debate regarding who should or should not (...)
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  18.  42
    The Positive Personality Model (PPM): Exploring a New Conceptual Framework for Personality Assessment.Guadalupe de la Iglesia & Alejandro Castro Solano - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:388685.
    The aim of this paper is to explore a new framework for personality assessment that may function as sanity nosology of personality traits: the Positive Personality Model. The recent publication of DSM-5 created the opportunity to assess personality traits as dimensional constructs (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In Section III, five maladaptive personality traits are proposed as the maladaptive versions of Five Factor Model (FFM) traits (Costa and McCrae, 1985). This approach draws on the existing idea of conceptualizing pathological and typical (...)
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  19.  14
    Playing God?Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (2):243-259.
    Arguments against intervening in nature's ways have been used against many new technologies in the last century. Many of these arguments have employed the metaphor of "playing God." In this essay I briefly review the use of the term "playing God" in recent decades. I then examine the cosmology that lies implicit in this language. My thesis is that the language of "playing God" overlooks the dynamic, evolutionary nature of world process—the role played by the indeterminacy of statistical probabilities. I (...)
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  20.  30
    Só em direção ao só: considerações sobre a mística de Plotino.Bernardo Guadalupe dos Santos Lins Brandão - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):151-158.
    Resumo Plotino é um pensador estranho para o filósofo contemporâneo: nas suas Enéadas, ele discute experiência mística e prática filosófica como se fosse uma mesma coisa. De fato, no pensamento plotiniano, o ápice da vida filosófica é a contemplação mística: não pensamento irracional, mas uma forma supra-racional de consciência que é alcançada pela prática ascética e pelo procedimento dialético. Este artigo tenta entender o que é a experiência mística em Plotino. Na verdade, uma leitura atenta dos textos das Enéadas que (...)
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    Correction to: Pragmatismand the Importance of Interdisciplinary Teams in Investigating Personality Changes Following DBS.Cynthia S. Kubu, Paul J. Ford, Joshua A. Wilt, Amanda R. Merner, Michelle Montpetite, Jaclyn Zeigler & Eric Racine - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (1):107-107.
    The article Pragmatismand the Importance of Interdisciplinary Teams in Investigating Personality Changes Following DBS.
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    Contributors.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - In Lonergan and Feminism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 221-222.
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    (3 other versions)Frontmatter.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - In Lonergan and Feminism. University of Toronto Press.
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    From “Is” to “Ought” : Kohlberg, Lonergan, and Method in the Human Sciences.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1987 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 43 (1):91-107.
  25. God, evolution, and astrobiology.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 2009 - In Constance M. Bertka, Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
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    Index.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - In Lonergan and Feminism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 223-228.
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    Introduction.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - In Lonergan and Feminism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1-12.
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    Lonergan and Feminism.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale (ed.) - 1994 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Risk, Gratitude, and Love: Grounding Authentic Moral Deliberation.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 2007 - In David S. Liptay & John J. Liptay, The Importance of Insight: Essays in Honour of Michael Vertin. University of Toronto Press. pp. 151-171.
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    5. Women and the Social Construction of Self-Appropriation.Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - In Lonergan and Feminism. University of Toronto Press. pp. 88-113.
  31.  23
    Global and Local Feature Distinctiveness Effects in Language Acquisition.Cynthia S. Q. Siew - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13008.
    Various aspects of semantic features drive early vocabulary development, but less is known about how the global and local structure of the overall semantic feature space influences language acquisition. A feature network of English words was constructed from a large database of adult feature production norms such that edges in the network represented feature distances between words (i.e., Manhattan distances of probability distributions of features elicited for each pair of words). A word's global feature distinctiveness is measured with respect to (...)
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    Is Burnout Primarily Linked to Work-Situated Factors? A Relative Weight Analytic Study.Renzo Bianchi, Guadalupe Manzano-García & Jean-Pierre Rolland - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:623912.
    It has often been asserted that burnout is primarily linked to occupational-context factors, and only secondarily to individual-level (e.g., personality) and non-work (or general) factors. We evaluated the validity of this view by examining the links between burnout and an array of 22 work-situated (effort-reward imbalance, unreasonable work tasks, unnecessary work tasks, weekly working hours, job autonomy, skill development, performance feedback, and support in work life), work-unrelated (sentimental accomplishment, familial accomplishment, number of child[ren], leisure activities, residential satisfaction, environmental quality, security (...)
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    Análisis de Competencias Laborales a Nivel Gerencial en el Sector Automotríz con Egresados de una Universidad Pública del Estado de Guanajuato (Analysis of Labor Competences at Level Management in the Automotive Sector by Public University Graduates of Guanajuato State).María Guadalupe Molina García - 2012 - Daena 7 (2):24-41.
    . In this part of the research process shows progress of the author´s doctoral thesis which seeks to offer from the union between practice and academy to the diagnosis of labor markets, monitoring and trend analysis and it also addresses the issue of understanding the relationships that this problem occurs in a particular moment in time when comparing the self-evaluations among recent graduates with self-assessments of people who are at a high level position in the automotive sector Guanajuato and therefore, (...)
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  34.  12
    Lonergan's "Philosophy and the Religious Phenomenon".Cynthia S. W. Crysdale - 1994 - Method 12 (2):181-204.
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    Consumption strategies in Mexican rural households: pursuing food security with quality.Kirsten Appendini & Ma Guadalupe Quijada - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):439-454.
    Food quality is an important issue on the global agenda, particularly in high- and middle-income economies, but of little concern in designing Mexico’s food policy. Food policy has focused on quantity and in the case of maize, on satisfying domestic demand by supporting large commercial agriculture and importing from abroad. However, and as argued in this paper, obtaining a food staple of quality is also an important issue for rural households and contributes to motivating continued smallholder production. Based on case (...)
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  36. Agustín de Hipona y la Naturaleza Humana.María Guadalupe Llanes - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
    Toda la vida de San Agustín fue una intensa búsqueda de la definición del hombre. Recorrió en sus meditaciones las tres direcciones que acotan el campo de la investigación antropológica: el ser del hombre, su perduración más allá de la vida y el sentido de su existencia. Él descubrió que la naturaleza del hombre es “dialéctica”: es un ser que está en un mundo hecho para él, pero él es hecho para Dios. Como no hay una adecuación entre su ‘ser (...)
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    Ascensão e discurso em Plotino.Bernardo Guadalupe S. L. Brandão - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (130):515-530.
    A concepção plotiniana de discurso é complexa e multi-facetada. Na "Enéada" I, 2, Plotino pensa o lógos prophorikós como uma imagem do lógos na alma. Na "Enéada" VI, 9, como um modo imperfeito de falar sobre o Um e um instrumento para exortar e instruir o filósofo no seu caminho de ascensão. Neste artigo, investigo quais são as relações entre discurso e ascensão da alma nas "Enéadas", tentando determinar quais são, de acordo com Plotino, as possibilidades e limites do discurso (...)
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    Entre Cronos y Kairós: las formas del tiempo sociohistórico.Guadalupe Valencia García - 2007 - México: UNAM, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades. Edited by Josetxo Beriain.
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    Política(s) y Retórica(s) Interculturales. Sobre Archivos y Bibliotecas Territoriales Misioneras.Carmen Santander, Carmen Guadalupe Melo & Carla Andruskevicz - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:110-130.
    En el marco de las investigaciones en torno a los paisajes territoriales e interculturales, este trabajo recoge experiencias y recorridos literarios, semióticos y culturales en la frontera y al mismo tiempo despliega un relato de los avatares que atraviesa la tarea de exploración, recopilación, construcción y conservación de los archivos de autor que forman parte del patrimonio cultural-literario de la provincia de Misiones, así como sus consecuentes derivas hacia las nuevas formas de preservación y difusión.En este escrito, nos ocuparemos de (...)
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    Panorama histórico de las evaluaciones de logro académico, estandarizadas y a gran escala en México.Jesús S. Rodríguez-Cristerna & Guadalupe Ruiz Cuéllar - 2021 - Voces de la Educación 6 (11):113-134.
    Este artículo desarrolla un panorama histórico de las evaluaciones de logro académico, estandarizadas y a gran escala, aplicadas en la educación mexicana. Mediante una investigación documental, se analizan los inicios, expansión, consolidación y situación actual de este tipo de pruebas. Se concluye destacando la relevancia de contar con evaluaciones confiables del logro académico, que contribuyan al desarrollo educativo nacional.
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    The Potential Harms of Speculative Neuroethics Research.Amanda R. Merner & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):418-421.
    Wexler and Specker Sullivan (2023) note that, “unbridled speculation can imperil the credibility of neuroethics, generate unrealistic expectations amongst different stakeholders, take up time that...
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    Leaders of Character: The USAFA Approach to Ethics Education and Leadership Development. [REVIEW]Cynthia S. Cycyota, Claudia J. Ferrante, Steven G. Green, Kurt A. Heppard & Dorri M. Karolick - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):177-192.
    We describe the educational character and leadership development processes used by the United States Air Force Academy that other educational institutions may find useful. Our processes include an integrated educational curriculum designed to complement and integrate the experiential learning that results in achieving specific organizational outcomes, co-curricular activities in cadet living, and a specific focus on the ethical development of leaders’ respect for human dignity and cultural competency as well as the mechanisms to assess and refine our processes.
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    Ameliorating and exacerbating: Surgical "prosthesis" in addiction.Paul J. Ford & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):32 – 34.
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    Caution in leaping from functional imaging to functional neurosurgery.Paul J. Ford & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):23 – 25.
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    A global perspective? Framing analysis of U.S. textbooks’ discussion of Nigeria.Oluseyi Matthew Odebiyi & Cynthia S. Sunal - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (2):239-248.
    Students are expected to develop the intellectual capacity needed to accurately portray other world societies. Few research studies in social studies education, however, draw on a systematic textbook analysis to investigate global perspectives on non-Western societies such as those found in African nations. Situated in framing theory, this study employs a qualitative content analysis approach to examine textual and visual curricular representations of non-Western societies framed in the content of four U.S. world history/cultures and geography textbooks by considering specifically how (...)
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    Speech error and tip of the tongue diary for mobile devices.Michael S. Vitevitch, Cynthia S. Q. Siew, Nichol Castro, Rutherford Goldstein, Jeremy A. Gharst, Jeriprolu J. Kumar & Erica B. Boos - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:147037.
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    Iunctura Callidus Acri: A Study of Persius' Satires.William S. Anderson & Cynthia S. Dessen - 1970 - American Journal of Philology 91 (2):242.
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    Principle and Praxis: Harmonizing Theoretical and Clinical Ethics.Matthew A. Butkus & Cynthia S. McCarthy - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (4):1-3.
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    The International Baccalaureate: International education and cultural preservation.Mary C. Hayden & Cynthia S. D. Wong - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):349-361.
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    On observing the unobservable.Ovide F. Pomerleau & Cynthia S. Pomerleau - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):692-692.
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